My idea with this is to be able to perform complex tasks in a seamless way.
I have a couple of ideas in mind.
Structured Flows:
Think of automations that are “programmed”, where the user selects and configures what happens next, how, when, and where. For instance, every time I have a user registering and confirming his account, I want to send a welcoming email through my MailChimp account to the user.
A structured approach, would require me to configure a new event hook for the creation of users, select the MailChimp integration from my integrations, choose one action, and map the necessary fields (if not retrieve more) of my user to send to MailChimp’s API.
Instruction Flows:
It goes slightly more unstructured. For the same use-case, I’d have to setup the event hook, but instead of adding and configuring my integration, I’d just instruct: “send the welcoming email from MailChimp to the new user”. Oki dokes, automation complete.
But what if your goal is to achieve something more complex? Let’s say you want to help your friends finding a new job of their liking and skill set. Well, look at that, we have services that will help you do just that. Setup an automation where you use one of our integrations or available datasets for job opportunities, upload your CV’s pdf to one of your connected buckets (or create a altCore bucket), adopt an AI integration, or use our own AI data parsers to extract relevant information from the CV, and use that data to search the datasets, whenever there are matches, send the list by email.
Ok, so, now, either a user makes a structured setup, or an instructed one.
The coding journey begins… let’s do flows.